john carl / ABOUT




John is a director and cinematographer based in Brooklyn, NY.

He landed in filmmaking via a windy road of music, audio engineering, graphic design, computers and photography, when he one day realized that the best way to integrate his many interests was to direct. As a director John is able to speak the language of each department, organize a single vision and tell a compelling story. He has been a director and cinematographer for over 10 years now, and plans to continue for the rest of his life.

Clients have included: Reza Fine Jewelry, L'oreal, Estee Lauder, Coty Brands, Zales, Levi's, Microsoft, Coors, Bulleit Bourbon, Ketel One Vodka, Sharpie, Motorola, Discover Card, NHL, United States Postal Service, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Robert Mondavi Wine, Bensimon Byrne, McGarry Bowen, Razorfish, Draftfcb, HY Connect, DOW Chemical, Discount Tire, Advocate Healthcare, BMI, Chromat.